Rocky Patel Aged Limited Rare Toro

This cigar is very dark and smells very rich. The bunch is firm. Tonight’s beverage is a glass of Diplomatico Reserve Exclusiva Rum. The flavor starts out heavy on the tongue like molasses, enhanced by the rum. The retrohale has hints of black pepper with heavy smoke as well. The burn is fairly even.
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In the first third the flavor profile remains heavy and sweet. The smoke is very smooth and plentiful. The retrohale remains about the same. The burn remains mostly even.

During the second third the sweetness of the cigar combined with the rum produces a very sugary finish that isn’t really what I look for in a cigar. The pepper in the retrohale has retreated and leaves mostly heavy smoke. The burn remains mostly even.

Approaching the final inch the sweetness dies down and leaves a heavy but fairly ordinary Maduro profile. This cigar is fine if you’re not looking for a lot of complexity. The construction is good and the burn remains mostly even.

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