Dunbarton Sobramesa Brûlée Blue Lonsdale

The cigar has an attractive Colorado Claro shade and looks very well constructed. The pre-light draw is a bit firm. Aromas of sweetness and vanilla are detected in the foot.

The initial flavors are light to medium bodied tobacco. The retrohale is smooth with a very light touch of white pepper. The ash is medium grey and firm and the burn is even..

In the first third vanilla notes join the flavor profile with toasty notes in the retrohale. The ash remains solid and the burn remains steady. A splash of Andalusia White Whiskey provides a very nice pairing.

During the second third the volume of smoke increases while remaining smooth and medium bodied. The flavor profile remains steady with a touch of sweetness added. The retrohale remains smooth and toasty with a light increase of the white pepper. The ash remains solid and the burn remains steady.

Approaching the final inch the sweetness of the flavor profile increases a bit in the otherwise steady flavor profile. The retrohale remains steady. The ash remains solid and the burn remains steady.

A very pleasant medium bodied cigar, it earns 9.5/10. A solid entry in the Sobramesa line, Joe Bob says check it out.

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